How can brand promoters help with trade show success? Learn more about where to find brand promoters and how to work with them for maximum benefits.

Create Partnerships

A partnership is a win-win for both sides. Each party contributes something valuable to the relationship, and a loyal community can be far more valuable than a celebrity endorsement. The best way to create a loyal following, and thus create valuable partnerships, is by reaching the individuals who already show interest in a product, service, company, or brand you’re associated with. Approach them as a supporter and friend, and find a way to help with their goals. By helping them, you’ll be helping yourself, too.

Where to Find Promoters

Well-designed trade show exhibit rentals may draw the people who already support a specific brand or product. Social media has plenty of examples of regular people with large followings who champion specific brands. They can be students, parents, or anyone with a strong social media presence with viewers and followers who trust their opinion. The “buzz” that they can help create about your company can have a large impact on your business. Reach out and contact trade show leads, industry social media experts, and even members of LinkedIn and Facebook circles to find brand promoters.

How to Work With Them

First, find out what these individuals need. Would they like a product sample to review on their channel? Would they like to write a blog post giving their audiences a sneak peek at an upcoming product or service? Whatever insider information you can provide to them will, in turn, spread your company’s reach and make them important brand ambassadors for you.

Attract potential ambassadors by drawing them into your trade show exhibit rental display at the next trade show. Run contests and giveaways, hand out samples, and take names and emails. Afterward, look up these individuals to discover who has an online presence and a healthy following. Approach them with mutually beneficial partnership ideas to start building a healthy business relationship.

At Cardinal Expo, we specialize in innovative, attractive trade show exhibit rentals and can help you create outstanding exhibits that draw potential brand ambassadors. Contact us today for a free quote and additional trade show tips.

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We at Cardinal Expo are here to answer any questions you may have, provide you with additional information, and create an effective solution for your exhibit needs.

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